Branch #91 (Langford) houses not only the Legion itself but also the Goldstream Food Bank Society, Christmas Food Hamper, Emergency Social Services, Metchosin & South Vancouver Island Lions Clubs, Boy Scouts & Girl Guides.
In 2002 the Legion celebrated its 75th year of Service to the West Shore Communities in Victoria. We annually donate 90K to these communities through social activities, supporting seniors, developing youth leaders as well as those who’ve suffered illness or injury arising from Military service.
Branch activities include carpet bowling, shuffleboard, pool, darts, cribbage, and a slo-pitch ball team. Seniors or regular teams, there is something for everyone.

Norm Scott

Zone President
1st Vic-President
Bea LeBlanc

Ways & Means, Poster & Literary, Zone
2nd Vic-President
Coming Soon...

Membership, Honors & Awards
William Fletcher

Sr. Housing
Executive Officers

Tammy Shiells
Entertainment Chair, Honours & Awards, Zone

Debbie Cumby
Sick & Visiting

Nola Paxton
Membership Phoning Committee, Poppy,
Co-Char Outside Events

Craig Tompkins
Service Officer

Gerry Brennan
Recording Secretary, Youth Coordinator

Dennis Freddette

Barb MacDonald
Member at Large

Marilyn Sjostram
Honors & Awards

Hedly Cullen
Sports Chair
The volunteer Branch Service Officer (BSO) at the Langford Legion assists veterans and serving military personnel in two key areas.
The primary focus is on navigating Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) regarding claims processing and procedure.
Secondly, access to various emergency funds (Poppy, benevolent, VAC and Allied Forces) for retired veterans experiencing considerable financial distress.
Access to these emergency funds involves the completion of a financial means test and confirmation of honourable service in any of the three elements.
BSO’s have access to some aids to daily living, such as two- and four-wheel walkers and a few electric scooters. BSO’s are familiar with programs to assist personnel who are experiencing housing insecurity.
To contact the service officer email: airforce9677@gmail.com
In the Ladies Auxiliary to BC/Yukon Command we have 80 Ladies Auxiliaries. Each Auxiliary holds monthly meetings with the exception of July and August.
Our funding is raised through catering events, bake sales and the operation of licensed gaming events such as bingo and/or raffles. We look after veterans in hospitals such as George Derby Centre, St. Vincent’s Brock Fahrni Pavilion and the Lodge at Broadmead (Victoria) and provide Christmas gifts for the veterans in these facilities.
We visit the sick and shut-ins throughout BC/Yukon Command. We work with our Branches on various projects such as the Annual Poppy Campaign and BC Senior Games. We also help with funding the Chair of Family Practice and the Legion Foundation. We purchase tracksuits and backpacks for BC athletes attending the national Track and Field Championships and clinics.
We are always looking for new members.
Read more about the Ladies Auxiliary to BC/Yukon Command. It is a group of women/men who work together to further the aims and objectives of The Royal Canadian Legion; which is first and foremost the welfare of ex-service personnel and their dependents.
Are you looking to lend a hand, give back, and support your community? Volunteering with the Legion is a great way to meet people, have fun, and help people in need within your area. Please come into the office or phone to contact us if you are interested and start this rewarding experience today!
Volunteers Needed for:
Poppy Campaign (Oct-Nov)
The Poppy Campaign provides excellent opportunities for youth to assist with the major fund-raiser for Legions. All monies collected support Veterans
Pancake Breakfast (Through the year)
Various pancake breakfasts throughout the year in the Westshore area.
Outside Events (Through the year)
The Legion participates in many outside events throughout the Westshore including BBQ's at the schools, Music in the part, Holiday events (Halloween & Christmas)
Luxton Fair (May)
The Langford Legion runs the main Food Concession at the Luxton Fair - Volunteers for kitchen work and serving are always welcome

Facility Rentals For Community and Private Events
Events in Langford, BC
Looking for a hall to rent in Langford, BC? The Royal Canadian Legion Branch #91 has the perfect place for you. Whether you’re celebrating a birthday, anniversary or other occasion our 300 person event space is perfect. The best part is: